Sunday, January 11, 2009

On Friday, results from the widely-reported Scotland Yard investigation into the assassination of Bhutto's death dominated press coverage of Pakistan. According to the NY Times this morning, the investigation revealed that Bhutto died after hitting her head as she was tossed by the force of the suicide blast, not from an assassin's bullet, as some suggested. According to the news agency, "The findings support the Pakistani government’s assertion that Ms. Bhutto died of a head injury, while also dismissing an account that had been greeted with disbelief by Ms. Bhutto’s supporters, other Pakistanis and medical experts." The Washington Post cited the investigation report, which said, "The inevitable conclusion is that there was one attacker in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle in which Ms Bhutto was traveling."

Not surprisingly, news sources reported later that Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party disputed the claims, insisting she was killed by gunfire. The PPP spokeswoman, Sherry Rehman, said the party did not reject the findings outright and would give a final reaction once it had fully reviewed the report. However, according to a later-released NY Times piece, she said the PPP is still pursuing its demand for a United Nations investigation and "was no looking into hiring its own private international investigators." She told reporters, "We are seeking a larger probe into the hidden hands that organized, financed, sponsored and perpetrated this event." Rehman said the investigators had been working in Pakistan under certain constraints that could call their conclusions into question.

To be frank, the bottom line is that BB was assassinated by some kind of terrorist element - and that fact alone represents a much wider problem that has deeper ramifications for the security of this country. Instead of the 'he said-she said' debate, we should pay more attention to that overarching issue. [Image from the AFP]

Bhutto Said in Will that Husband Should Lead Party

On Tuesday, newswires reported that assassinated former PM Benazir Bhutto's party, the PPP (Pakistan's People's Party) published her political will, in which she called for her husband to lead the party and said she feared for the country's future. Reuters cited a party spokesman who said "the will was being released to end any doubts about Bhutto's wishes for the leadership of the party." Following Bhutto's assassination on December 27, her husband Ali Zardari, and her son Bilawal Zardari Bhutto, were made joint chairmen of the PPP. In her political will, reportedly read out to party leaders after her funeral but kept private until today, Bhutto wrote, "I would like my husband Asif Ali Zardari to lead you in this interim period until you and he decide what is best...I say this because he is a man of courage and honor. He spent 11 years in prison without bending despite torture. He has the political stature to keep our party united."

According to Reuters, "Zardari, who was jailed on corruption charges but denied any wrongdoing, is regarded as a divisive figure. But with Bilawal still too young to run for parliament and yet to complete his university studies in Britain, it is Zardari who is the de facto leader of the party as it prepares for a February 18 general election." The PPP, reported CNN, will restart its campaign this week for the elections following the end of its 40 day self-imposed mourning period. Reuters added, "The PPP is likely to gain a considerable sympathy vote in the parliamentary elections because of Bhutto's murder."

However, will this new development and Zardari's forefront role in the party impact voters' perceptions of the PPP? According to a profile released by BBC News, Zardari has been seen as a political liability for his late wife's party. Widely known in Pakistan as "Mr. 10%," his corruption charges and alleged link to the murder of his brother-in-law Murtaza Bhutto in 1996, have seemingly haunted his reputation. However, even when he first married Benazir, Zardari apparently knew he was the "designated fall guy," a title he reportedly accepted, according to the BBC. Will this title come to haunt the party now before election time? Have perceptions of Zardari changed since Benazir's assassination?

New Bid to Control Pakistan's Tribal Areas

Today, one story in particular stood out to me - according to the Christian Science Monitor, "For the first time, the U.S. is putting public pressure on Pakistan by asking its leaders to let the U.S. help fight terrorists within the country. Though Pakistan has rebuffed these advances, it has shown signs of taking the terrorist threat more seriously, responding quickly and forcefully to militants' increasingly bold attacks. The monitor quoted Ismail Khan, a reporter with Dawn newspaper, who said, "There is a realization within the military establishment that the government has lost its authority in the tribal areas."

In recent weeks, the U.S. has offered military assistance to root out extremists in the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) with combat troops, CIA operations, or training. Although President Pervez Musharraf has rejected the "invasion" of U.S. troops, Washington has become increasingly concerned with militant activity in the region, particularly in the porous border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to an article released by Reuters today, "The United States this year will start spending in earnest $750 million where its troops can't go in the hope of making Pakistan's unruly tribal lands less hospitable for Al Qaeda and the Taliban." If the U.S. succeeds in this mission, they hope other nations will help put up $2 billion for development and security in the semi-autonomous FATA. On the Pakistani military effort in the region so far, a U.S. official told Reuters, "The military campaign in FATA has not degraded extremist recruitment, training or operations."

The effort would and must be two-pronged: combining both development and security reforms, following the mantra, "you can't have development without security, and you can't have security without development." According to Reuters, overall literacy in the FATA region, consisting of a population of 3.2 million, is just 17 percent, compared to the national average of 56 percent. Moreover, there is reportedly only one doctor for every 6,750 people. Tribal communities in the area are tired of what they call the government's "empty promises," and a report from the International Crisis Group in late 2006 noted that "anticipation is turning into alienation." As a result, communities that may not inherently support extremism turn to these groups in this power vacuum. Following the earthquake in 2005, I went up north with my mother and sister and was more than a little surprised to see aid tents emblazoned with the titles of various Islamist groups.

The United States knows that it cannot personally implement the allocated funds to improve the FATA region. Raging anti-American sentiment in the area means the only realistic option is if reforms are carried out by Pakistani military and civil authorities. [Image courtesy of Reuters]

Pakistan Crowd Tries to Attack US Consulate

(KARACHI, Pakistan) — Security forces used tear gas and batons to repel anti-Israel protesters who tried to attack a U.S. consulate in Pakistan on Sunday, as tens of thousands of people demonstrated worldwide against Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Israel launched its campaign in Gaza on Dec. 27 to stop rocket fire from the militant Palestinian group Hamas. Gaza health officials say nearly 870 Palestinians have been killed, roughly half of them civilians. Thirteen Israelis have also died.

Tens of thousands of angry demonstrators protested Sunday across the Arab world, in Europe and Asia.

Some 2,000 protesters in the Pakistani port city of Karachi burned U.S. flags and chanted anti-Israel slogans, and several hundred of them marched on the U.S. Consulate, senior police official Ameer Sheikh said.

"They were in a mood to attack," Sheikh said. "They were carrying bricks, stones and clubs."

A U.S. Embassy spokesman in Islamabad, Lou Fintor, said the protesters did not get close to the consulate, which was closed Sunday.

Washington provides a large amount of foreign aid to Jerusalem as well as military and weapons assistance. Israeli aggression is often perceived in the Muslim world as being financed and supported by the U.S. While Pakistan's government is a U.S. ally, anti-American sentiment is pervasive in the Muslim majority country.

In Spain, as many as 100,000 people attended rallies in Madrid and the southwestern city of Seville, urging Israel to "Stop the massacre in Gaza" and calling for peace initiatives. Spain's Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos will tour the Middle East starting Monday to promote solutions to the conflict.

An estimated 2,500 Lebanese and Palestinians meanwhile protested peacefully in downtown Beirut, waving Palestinian flags and calling on the international community to intervene in the Israeli attack.

A convoy of some 15 ambulances from an Islamic medical society sounded their sirens for 20 seconds in solidarity with Gaza medics. Leftist participants set fire to a large Israeli flag, while children taking part in the protest held bloody dolls representing Palestinian children killed in Gaza.

The death of children in the Gaza assault has become an enduring theme at protests.

Children carrying effigies of bloody babies headed a march attended by thousands in Brussels, Belgium. In the West Bank city of Ramallah, demonstrators held up dolls wrapped in red-stained shrouds and photographs of bloodied children.

Jewish communities appeared divided on the Israeli operations. In London, thousands of people gathered at Trafalgar Square to support the action in Gaza, while anti-Israeli protesters held a counter-demonstration nearby.

In a letter published in Britain's Observer newspaper Sunday, 11 leading British Jews urged Israel to end its Gaza campaign and negotiate a settlement for security reasons.

"We are concerned that rather than bringing security to Israel, a continued military offensive could strengthen extremists, destabilize the region and exacerbate tensions inside Israel with its one million Arab citizens," the letter said.

In Syria, as revolutionary songs blared from loudspeakers, demonstrators accused Arab leaders of being complicit in the Gaza assault. "Down, down with the Arab rulers, the collaborators," the crowd in Damascus shouted.

Separately, activists protesting the Israeli campaign were driving from Turkey to Syria in a convoy of 200 cars, and participants hoped Syrian protesters would join them at the border Monday, according to Nezir Dinler, an activist with the Istanbul-based Solidarity Foundation.

A few thousand people marched in largely peaceful pro-Palestinian rallies in the Italian cities of Rome, Naples and Verona. In Rome, municipal authorities were dispatched to erase graffiti — including Stars of David and swastikas — that had been scrawled on Jewish-owned stores and restaurants overnight.

Philippine policeman used shields to disperse Filipino student activists outside the U.S. Embassy in Manila to condemn the Israeli assault in Gaza. They held signs reading, "Stop U.S.-Israel Aggression against Palestine."

About 100 members of a leftist students' organization marched in Tokyo against the Israeli military action.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pakistan: Muslim "Hero" Who Gave Nukes To North Korea

Today, according to Pakistan's Daily Times, Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesperson, Tasneem Aslam, condemned the nuclear test which was carried out yesterday by North Korea. In a statement, she claimed: "It is regrettable that the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) chose to ignore the advice of the international community not to test a nuclear weapons device....We are afraid that the step by North Korea is going to have a chain reaction which nobody wants."

Aslam's comments could be seen as pure hypocrisy, considering North Korea's ability to test a nuclear device in an underground site has been made possible by Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, who gave centrifuges and technological information to the communist regime. Khan was the father of Pakistan's own nuclear bomb, and for this he had become a national hero.

Even when it was revealed that Khan had sold nuclear secrets to Libya and North Korea, which in turn shared material with Iran, Khan never had to face any substantial retribution. Abdul Qadeer Khan is still a national hero in Pakistan. Since his public confession in 2004 of selling nuclear secrets, he has been under house arrest, and forbidden to freely mix with people.

When 71-year old Khan went into hospital last month for an operation for prostate cancer, the hospital was inundated with tokens from well-wishers. At the gate of the Aga Khan Hospital in Karachi, bouquets, banners and cards were left, carrying notes such as: "The entire nation is praying for Dr Qadeer's early recovery." Politicians, such as former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, gave their messages wishing him a speedy recovery. A senior leader of the Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami, which wishes for sharia to be enforced in Pakistan, said outside the hospital that the entire Muslim world was praying for his early recovery.

The blast yesterday was felt even in Norway, 3,900 miles away. The shockwaves of the bomb's impact took 10 minutes to travel through the earth's crust.

For the insane regime of North Korea, where the Times states that in times of hunger, children scavenge the fields for crows, dragonflies and rats to eat, the test yesterday by Kim Jong Il ("Dear Leader") brought his country to become the ninth nation to possess a nuclear weapon. Before "Dear Leader" inherited the nation from his father Kim Il Sung ("Great Leader") in 1994, North Korea has pursued its nuclear goals while its own people starved.

The stages of this development go back to 1989, when US satellite imaging revealed a nuclear reprocessing plant at Yongbyon. According to the Independent, the components needed to create their nuclear development program were bought off the black market.

There was a huge famine in the 1990s, which killed up to 3 million people in North Korea. But while citizens of the People's Democratic Republic starved, funds from foreign donors to alleviate this famine were diverted into the nuclear weapons program. Now, according to the Times, "Dear Leader" is selling drugs to Japan and South Korea. These are amphetamines, manufactured in North Korean laboratories.

The bomb itself which was released yesterday was not large. It has been estimated as being from 5 to 15 kilotonnes, though France has claimed it is only 1 kilotonne. In terms of potential devastation, it is less powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, but it is a bomb nonetheless.

The Clinton administration had tried to divert North Korea's interests away from nuclear weaponry, and in 1994 offered fuel oil and promises of safe reactors, incapable of producing weapons-grade plutonium in exchange for cessation of its plans for weaponry. The agreement withered away, and when George W, Bush said that North Korea was the third "axis of evil", "Dear Leader" accelerated his nuclear program. In 2005 he publicly announced he had nuclear weapons, and yesterday the test was triumphantly announced. Though world leaders, including China, have universally condemned the test, North Korea's ambassador to the UN said that his country should be "congratulated".AQKhan.jpg

But North Korea has operated a draconian communist system since 1946, with internment camps set up to imprison anyone who expressed dissent, and with all political opponents made to "disappear". Yet despite this common knowledge, in 1975, Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan had no qualms at all when he sold nuclear secrets to North Korea. So who is this hero to the Pakistani people? Is he anything other than a self-serving crook, or is he so blindly hateful against the West that he was prepared to willingly arm its enemies?

AQKhan.jpgKhan was born in Bhopal, India in 1935. He grew up in a modest middle class Muslim home, and in 1952 he migrated to Pakistan. He gained a degree in engineering in Karachi University, and then worked in West Germany and the Netherlands. In 1972, he gained a PhD in Belgium, and then joined a company in Amsterdam.

As we wrote in November last year, it was within this company, Physics Dynamic Research Laboratory (FDO), that Khan gained information which would lead to the development of Pakistan's, and now North Korea's, nuclear bomb. FDO provided materials for uranium enrichment. Khan obtained details of centrifuges which were used to extract uranium 235 from uranium hexaflouride gas. He left Holland in the mid 1970s to return to Pakistan, where he began work on developing Pakistan's atomic bomb.

The knowledge of itself was not enough, and a Dutch employee at FDO called Hank Slebos maintained contact with Khan. He sent vital components and 20 kilograms of chemicals to Pakistan between 1999 and 2002. But he had been exporting materials for longer than that. In 1985, Slebos had been sentenced to 12 month's jail for sending an oscilloscope to Pakistan. Slebos last year publicly justified his actions, saying that Pakistan "needed an atom bomb".

In 1983, A. Q. Khan was sentenced in absentia by an Amsterdam court, for attempted espionage. This was later overturned on appeal.

In Pakistan, Khan worked on developing missiles, and set up a company in Kahuta, called Khan Research Laboratories. It was here that uranium was enriched, and most of Pakistan's nuclear research was carried out. Finally, in 1998, Pakistan did its first nuclear bomb test.

But by this time, it had already been alleged in Newsweek for May that Khan had offered to sell nuclear information to Iraq. Khan has denied this, though UN researches confirmed that an attempt had been made.

International intelligence was reporting that Khan was involved in selling nuclear technology to North Korea in exchange for missile technology. But Pakistan issued denials. The scale of Khan's activities became public in February 2004, when the scientist appeared on Pakistani TV to confess that he had supplied nuclear technology and knowhow to Libya, Iran and North Korea.

Within days of the televised confession, President Musharraf pardoned Khan. In 2001, when leaks of Khan's assistance in nuclear proliferation became known, the scientist had been demoted, but his secrets had been kept by the Pakistan administration.

In August last year President Musharraf told a Japanese news agency that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to North Korea, but he maintained that these had not assisted North Korea to acquire nuclear weapons capability. By this time, Pyongyang had already announced that it had nuclear weapons, and Musharraf was playing down Khan's involvement.

Musharraf said then: "So, if North Korea has made a bomb...Dr. A.Q. Khan's part is only enriching the uranium to weapons grade. He does not know about making the bomb, he does not know about the trigger mechanism, he does not know about the delivery system." He claimed that the North Koreans must have obtained the other vital materials "themselves or from somewhere else and not from Pakistan."

Khan had given 20 centrifuges to North Korea. These included P-1 centrifuges, and the more sophisticated P-11 centrifuges. Musharraf said he was unsure if Khan had also supplied uranium hexaflouride gas to Ptongyang. He said: "Again, if A.Q. Khan had given UF6 gas, some cylinders, it is not enough. It needs tons and tons of UF6 gas to enrich uranium, to go through thousands of centrifuges to be able to produce 1 kilogram of enriched uranium. So, even if he has provided some gas, it is immaterial. They need so much more."

Musharraf stated that Pakistan had been engaged in conventional weapons exchanges, which had then been terminated, but claimed that there had never been any official agreements concerning nuclear technology.

In February 2004, it was revealed by Malaysian police that Khan had used a Sri Lankan middleman to send enriched uranium to Libya in 2001, and that the scientist had sold nuclear centrifuge parts to Iran in the mid-1990s.

The go-between was named as Buhary Syed Abu Tahir, who was married to a Malaysian wife. He had claimed to Malaysian police that UF6 had been sent by air from Pakistan to Libya in 2001. Centrifuge parts manufactured by Malaysian company Scomi Precision Engineering (Scope) had been intercepted on a ship bound for Libya in Ocotober 2003. The company is owned by the son of Malaysia's prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

A 12 page report by the Malaysian police cleared scope, but said that individuals from Germany, Turkey, Britain and Switzerland had been involved in the international transportation of nuclear technology.

Khan has been described by a former CIA director as "at least as dangerous as Osama bin Laden".

He married Hennie, a woman of Dutch-South African origin, by whom he had two daughters who now live in Britain. It is rumored that these have information which may implicate Pakistan's government in Khan's activities.

But according to Gordon Corera, who wrote a biography of Khan, "Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the AQ Khan Network", Khan's motivations were less about Islamic fundamentalism, and more about his contempt for America and Britain. In 1979, he wrote a letter to der Spiegel, the German newspaper.

It is a very important letter and shows his strongest motive perhaps to build the bomb. He questioned in that letter 'the bloody holier-than-thou attitudes of the Americans and the British. 'These bastards are God-appointed guardians of the world,' the letter complained, 'to stockpile hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads and have the God-given authority of carrying out explosions every month. But if we start a modest programme, we are the Satans, the devils.'

Khan did later claim that he saw the bomb as an "Islamic bomb", but this conclusion seems to have been developed later. His supporters in Pakistan include almost all of the Islamists, who hate India as a matter of routine, and by making comments that he was on a "holy mission" Khan appears to be trying to satisfy the expectations of these allies.

Corera states: "It is also true that over time, he began to see Pakistan as the centre of the Islamic world, thanks to his bomb to a great extent. His close associate Zahid Malik wrote in Khan's biography that the latter wanted to see the Islamic world rise above other nations, and in that Islamic world Pakistan would be pre-eminent. In all this, I believe he was a Pakistani patriot and nationalist first and a Muslim internationalist second."

Khan, like many Pakistanis, seemed to be filled with a need to prove his Islamic credentials. As writer Mihir Bose observes of Muslims from the Indian subcontinent: "They have been encouraged to forget they belong to a very different cultural strain than the Saudis. They are mostly converts from Hinduism and there is large measure of the gentle Sufi tradition in them. But, influenced by imams, themselves financed by Middle Eastern money, many try to prove they are as Muslim as their co-religionists from the Middle East."

Pakistani Muslims are always the poor relations of the Wahhabist culture of Islam, based at Mecca. Desperate to prove their cultures to be equal to Arabism, individuals such as President Musharraf, and also leaders of Malaysia and Indonesia, strive to set themselves up to the world as distinct and imitable varieties of Islam.

Khan was motivated by hatred of the West, a sense of inferiority, and later in his career he justified himself by means of this need to show that non-Arab Islam was as important as the Islam from Mecca.

Abdul Qadeer Khan's need to prove himself, coupled with an irresponsible greed for money and land, as well as a contempt for the more technically-developed West, has now borne its deadly fruit. With North Korea's "Dear Leader" finally proving to the world that his country is now nuclear-armed, there will be more uncertainty and instability in northeast Asia. And the world is now assessing the extent of the damage that A. Q. Khan has done to the international community.

Pakistan: Muslim "Hero" Who Gave Nukes To North Korea

Today, according to Pakistan's Daily Times, Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesperson, Tasneem Aslam, condemned the nuclear test which was carried out yesterday by North Korea. In a statement, she claimed: "It is regrettable that the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) chose to ignore the advice of the international community not to test a nuclear weapons device....We are afraid that the step by North Korea is going to have a chain reaction which nobody wants."

Aslam's comments could be seen as pure hypocrisy, considering North Korea's ability to test a nuclear device in an underground site has been made possible by Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, who gave centrifuges and technological information to the communist regime. Khan was the father of Pakistan's own nuclear bomb, and for this he had become a national hero.

Even when it was revealed that Khan had sold nuclear secrets to Libya and North Korea, which in turn shared material with Iran, Khan never had to face any substantial retribution. Abdul Qadeer Khan is still a national hero in Pakistan. Since his public confession in 2004 of selling nuclear secrets, he has been under house arrest, and forbidden to freely mix with people.

When 71-year old Khan went into hospital last month for an operation for prostate cancer, the hospital was inundated with tokens from well-wishers. At the gate of the Aga Khan Hospital in Karachi, bouquets, banners and cards were left, carrying notes such as: "The entire nation is praying for Dr Qadeer's early recovery." Politicians, such as former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, gave their messages wishing him a speedy recovery. A senior leader of the Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami, which wishes for sharia to be enforced in Pakistan, said outside the hospital that the entire Muslim world was praying for his early recovery.

The blast yesterday was felt even in Norway, 3,900 miles away. The shockwaves of the bomb's impact took 10 minutes to travel through the earth's crust.

For the insane regime of North Korea, where the Times states that in times of hunger, children scavenge the fields for crows, dragonflies and rats to eat, the test yesterday by Kim Jong Il ("Dear Leader") brought his country to become the ninth nation to possess a nuclear weapon. Before "Dear Leader" inherited the nation from his father Kim Il Sung ("Great Leader") in 1994, North Korea has pursued its nuclear goals while its own people starved.

The stages of this development go back to 1989, when US satellite imaging revealed a nuclear reprocessing plant at Yongbyon. According to the Independent, the components needed to create their nuclear development program were bought off the black market.

There was a huge famine in the 1990s, which killed up to 3 million people in North Korea. But while citizens of the People's Democratic Republic starved, funds from foreign donors to alleviate this famine were diverted into the nuclear weapons program. Now, according to the Times, "Dear Leader" is selling drugs to Japan and South Korea. These are amphetamines, manufactured in North Korean laboratories.

The bomb itself which was released yesterday was not large. It has been estimated as being from 5 to 15 kilotonnes, though France has claimed it is only 1 kilotonne. In terms of potential devastation, it is less powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, but it is a bomb nonetheless.

The Clinton administration had tried to divert North Korea's interests away from nuclear weaponry, and in 1994 offered fuel oil and promises of safe reactors, incapable of producing weapons-grade plutonium in exchange for cessation of its plans for weaponry. The agreement withered away, and when George W, Bush said that North Korea was the third "axis of evil", "Dear Leader" accelerated his nuclear program. In 2005 he publicly announced he had nuclear weapons, and yesterday the test was triumphantly announced. Though world leaders, including China, have universally condemned the test, North Korea's ambassador to the UN said that his country should be "congratulated".AQKhan.jpg

But North Korea has operated a draconian communist system since 1946, with internment camps set up to imprison anyone who expressed dissent, and with all political opponents made to "disappear". Yet despite this common knowledge, in 1975, Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan had no qualms at all when he sold nuclear secrets to North Korea. So who is this hero to the Pakistani people? Is he anything other than a self-serving crook, or is he so blindly hateful against the West that he was prepared to willingly arm its enemies?

AQKhan.jpgKhan was born in Bhopal, India in 1935. He grew up in a modest middle class Muslim home, and in 1952 he migrated to Pakistan. He gained a degree in engineering in Karachi University, and then worked in West Germany and the Netherlands. In 1972, he gained a PhD in Belgium, and then joined a company in Amsterdam.

As we wrote in November last year, it was within this company, Physics Dynamic Research Laboratory (FDO), that Khan gained information which would lead to the development of Pakistan's, and now North Korea's, nuclear bomb. FDO provided materials for uranium enrichment. Khan obtained details of centrifuges which were used to extract uranium 235 from uranium hexaflouride gas. He left Holland in the mid 1970s to return to Pakistan, where he began work on developing Pakistan's atomic bomb.

The knowledge of itself was not enough, and a Dutch employee at FDO called Hank Slebos maintained contact with Khan. He sent vital components and 20 kilograms of chemicals to Pakistan between 1999 and 2002. But he had been exporting materials for longer than that. In 1985, Slebos had been sentenced to 12 month's jail for sending an oscilloscope to Pakistan. Slebos last year publicly justified his actions, saying that Pakistan "needed an atom bomb".

In 1983, A. Q. Khan was sentenced in absentia by an Amsterdam court, for attempted espionage. This was later overturned on appeal.

In Pakistan, Khan worked on developing missiles, and set up a company in Kahuta, called Khan Research Laboratories. It was here that uranium was enriched, and most of Pakistan's nuclear research was carried out. Finally, in 1998, Pakistan did its first nuclear bomb test.

But by this time, it had already been alleged in Newsweek for May that Khan had offered to sell nuclear information to Iraq. Khan has denied this, though UN researches confirmed that an attempt had been made.

International intelligence was reporting that Khan was involved in selling nuclear technology to North Korea in exchange for missile technology. But Pakistan issued denials. The scale of Khan's activities became public in February 2004, when the scientist appeared on Pakistani TV to confess that he had supplied nuclear technology and knowhow to Libya, Iran and North Korea.

Within days of the televised confession, President Musharraf pardoned Khan. In 2001, when leaks of Khan's assistance in nuclear proliferation became known, the scientist had been demoted, but his secrets had been kept by the Pakistan administration.

In August last year President Musharraf told a Japanese news agency that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to North Korea, but he maintained that these had not assisted North Korea to acquire nuclear weapons capability. By this time, Pyongyang had already announced that it had nuclear weapons, and Musharraf was playing down Khan's involvement.

Musharraf said then: "So, if North Korea has made a bomb...Dr. A.Q. Khan's part is only enriching the uranium to weapons grade. He does not know about making the bomb, he does not know about the trigger mechanism, he does not know about the delivery system." He claimed that the North Koreans must have obtained the other vital materials "themselves or from somewhere else and not from Pakistan."

Khan had given 20 centrifuges to North Korea. These included P-1 centrifuges, and the more sophisticated P-11 centrifuges. Musharraf said he was unsure if Khan had also supplied uranium hexaflouride gas to Ptongyang. He said: "Again, if A.Q. Khan had given UF6 gas, some cylinders, it is not enough. It needs tons and tons of UF6 gas to enrich uranium, to go through thousands of centrifuges to be able to produce 1 kilogram of enriched uranium. So, even if he has provided some gas, it is immaterial. They need so much more."

Musharraf stated that Pakistan had been engaged in conventional weapons exchanges, which had then been terminated, but claimed that there had never been any official agreements concerning nuclear technology.

In February 2004, it was revealed by Malaysian police that Khan had used a Sri Lankan middleman to send enriched uranium to Libya in 2001, and that the scientist had sold nuclear centrifuge parts to Iran in the mid-1990s.

The go-between was named as Buhary Syed Abu Tahir, who was married to a Malaysian wife. He had claimed to Malaysian police that UF6 had been sent by air from Pakistan to Libya in 2001. Centrifuge parts manufactured by Malaysian company Scomi Precision Engineering (Scope) had been intercepted on a ship bound for Libya in Ocotober 2003. The company is owned by the son of Malaysia's prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

A 12 page report by the Malaysian police cleared scope, but said that individuals from Germany, Turkey, Britain and Switzerland had been involved in the international transportation of nuclear technology.

Khan has been described by a former CIA director as "at least as dangerous as Osama bin Laden".

He married Hennie, a woman of Dutch-South African origin, by whom he had two daughters who now live in Britain. It is rumored that these have information which may implicate Pakistan's government in Khan's activities.

But according to Gordon Corera, who wrote a biography of Khan, "Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the AQ Khan Network", Khan's motivations were less about Islamic fundamentalism, and more about his contempt for America and Britain. In 1979, he wrote a letter to der Spiegel, the German newspaper.

It is a very important letter and shows his strongest motive perhaps to build the bomb. He questioned in that letter 'the bloody holier-than-thou attitudes of the Americans and the British. 'These bastards are God-appointed guardians of the world,' the letter complained, 'to stockpile hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads and have the God-given authority of carrying out explosions every month. But if we start a modest programme, we are the Satans, the devils.'

Khan did later claim that he saw the bomb as an "Islamic bomb", but this conclusion seems to have been developed later. His supporters in Pakistan include almost all of the Islamists, who hate India as a matter of routine, and by making comments that he was on a "holy mission" Khan appears to be trying to satisfy the expectations of these allies.

Corera states: "It is also true that over time, he began to see Pakistan as the centre of the Islamic world, thanks to his bomb to a great extent. His close associate Zahid Malik wrote in Khan's biography that the latter wanted to see the Islamic world rise above other nations, and in that Islamic world Pakistan would be pre-eminent. In all this, I believe he was a Pakistani patriot and nationalist first and a Muslim internationalist second."

Khan, like many Pakistanis, seemed to be filled with a need to prove his Islamic credentials. As writer Mihir Bose observes of Muslims from the Indian subcontinent: "They have been encouraged to forget they belong to a very different cultural strain than the Saudis. They are mostly converts from Hinduism and there is large measure of the gentle Sufi tradition in them. But, influenced by imams, themselves financed by Middle Eastern money, many try to prove they are as Muslim as their co-religionists from the Middle East."

Pakistani Muslims are always the poor relations of the Wahhabist culture of Islam, based at Mecca. Desperate to prove their cultures to be equal to Arabism, individuals such as President Musharraf, and also leaders of Malaysia and Indonesia, strive to set themselves up to the world as distinct and imitable varieties of Islam.

Khan was motivated by hatred of the West, a sense of inferiority, and later in his career he justified himself by means of this need to show that non-Arab Islam was as important as the Islam from Mecca.

Abdul Qadeer Khan's need to prove himself, coupled with an irresponsible greed for money and land, as well as a contempt for the more technically-developed West, has now borne its deadly fruit. With North Korea's "Dear Leader" finally proving to the world that his country is now nuclear-armed, there will be more uncertainty and instability in northeast Asia. And the world is now assessing the extent of the damage that A. Q. Khan has done to the international community.

Warlord: My encounter with Taliban mastermind

Backed by the CIA, he fought the Soviets then was sidelined. Now he's back, wreaking havoc among British forces. Raymond Whitaker on meeting Jalaluddin Haqqani

Sunday, 22 June 2008


Raymond Whitaker

In 1994, Haqqani's fortunes were at a low ebb. Now he is the Taliban's principal military commander

In a month when Britain has lost nine soldiers in Afghanistan, including the first woman, and hundreds of Taliban fighters were freed by a daring bomb attack on Kandahar's main jail, the British public is only just becoming aware of the malevolent power of Jalaluddin Haqqani.

A man once known only to old Afghan hands is being credited with the resurgence of the Taliban since 2006. He is said to have introduced Iraqi-style suicide bombings to a country where they were unknown and are still considered by many to be un-Islamic. Wily and well connected, he is emerging as the biggest threat to Britain and its Nato allies in Afghanistan, where last month more Western troops were killed than in Iraq for the first time since 2003. He has experienced a comeback as spectacular as that of the movement he is now serving as principal military commander.

When I encountered Haqqani in March 1994, the fortunes of the legendary Afghan warlord were at a low ebb. He was a hero to the CIA and wealthy Arab backers during the fight against the Soviet invaders. As chronicled in the movie Charlie Wilson's War, torrents of money and arms had been channelled through Pakistan's intelligence service to resistance leaders like him. But, after the Russians pulled out in 1989 and the Communist regime collapsed in 1992, Haqqani and his fellow Pashtun chieftains had been outmanoeuvred.

Kabul had been seized by the Tajik commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, who installed his party leader, Burhanuddin Rabbani, as President. Now Haqqani was sitting outside the President's office, waiting for an audience in which he would seek favours, and the photograph I took of him shows all the discomfort of a man who would have preferred to be meeting Rabbani on the battlefield.

Already in his late 40s, the mujahedin commander might have been expected to fade into obscurity, especially when Pakistan despaired of his ilk and decided to foster the Taliban instead. Yet 14 years later, he is regarded as the Taliban's most effective military leader. The former darling of the West's intelligence agencies is now their leading target after Osama bin Laden, his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the Taliban figurehead, Mullah Omar.

Haqqani has shown his talent for psychologically significant blows, such as the attempted assassination of President Hamid Karzai during a military parade in the heart of Kabul in April, and January's attack on a luxury hotel that killed seven and sent shivers through the expatriate community in the Afghan capital.

This has accompanied the steady stream of suicide bombings that undermine Nato's military superiority and keep the civilian population on edge. On Friday, a suicide bomber on foot attacked a foreign military convoy in Helmand province, killing one Nato soldier and five civilians.

How did a man now in his 60s, who appeared to have been pushed to the margins, return to such a central role? Bin Laden himself, of course, was once seen as an asset by the US, and when the wealthy Saudi decided in the 1980s to take up the Afghan cause, one of the first Afghans he met was Haqqani. From a Pashtun clan with clout both in eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan's tribal territories, Haqqani was able to provide Bin Laden with territory for his first camps. It was an association that later stood him in good stead.

As one of the few Pashtun commanders able to demonstrate effectiveness in fighting the Communists – he seized Khost, the first town to fall to the mujahedin after the Soviet pullout – the rough-hewn Haqqani was admired by Arabs who dreamed of jihad but lacked the nerve to go to war themselves. He visited the Gulf states frequently, learned Arabic and was always able to raise money in the Middle East after the American tap was turned off, enabling him to maintain large numbers of men under arms.

Even when Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) switched horses and backed the Taliban, he remained on good terms with the agency and was able to make a comfortable retreat to his stronghold, Miram Shah, in the Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan.

Haqqani was the first mujahedin commander to surrender unconditionally to the Taliban, and remained on polite terms with the movement. Although he was never part of the tight inner circle, he took various minor posts during Mullah Omar's five years in power, between 1996 and 2001, eventually becoming interior minister.

He also helped his old associate Bin Laden to set up training camps on his return to Afghanistan. None of this necessarily meant that he was fully committed to the alliance between the Taliban and al-Qa'ida, in the view of his old contacts in the CIA and ISI – but after 9/11 it was time to put that theory to the test.

According to at least one report, Haqqani was summoned to Islamabad and told he could be installed as president of Afghanistan if he formed a breakaway "moderate" faction of the Taliban, excluding Mullah Omar. Presumably, the al-Qa'ida leadership would have been expelled from Afghanistan under the deal. But the warlord declined and returned to his stronghold. According to Steve Coll, author of Ghost Wars, a history of American involvement in Afghanistan, it was into Haqqani's territory that Bin Laden fled after he managed to elude the Americans in 2001.

Even then, Haqqani did not immediately assume a prominent role in the Taliban, although his forces were always ready to attack the Americans in eastern Afghanistan. It was only after the movement's 2006 spring offensive ran into trouble that he was asked to take command. The subsequent Taliban resurgence took Nato by surprise and spread dissension among its members over tactics and reinforcements.

Nato insists that it cannot be defeated in battle by the Taliban. That is certainly true – large numbers of Taliban militants freed in the attack on Kandahar jail were later killed when they tried to mass together to seize the city – but it is irrelevant. With a judicious mixture of hit-and-run attacks, suicide bombings and occasional "spectaculars", plus the constant vehicle bombings that claimed four British lives last week, Haqqani can destabilise nearly half the country and hold back economic reconstruction.

Recently, he appeared in a DVD to dispel rumours that he was dead, or that he had handed over to his 34-year-old son, Sirajuddin, who has assumed responsibility for military operations. He is a particularly formidable opponent for the West, with his long-standing connections to Pakistani intelligence apparently protecting him from any intervention in Waziristan, while his Middle Eastern links bring him money and recruits.

"This is not a battle of haste; this is a battle of patience," he says in the DVD. He speaks from experience. The commander I saw in the President's waiting-room 14 years ago appeared to be washed up, but he has outlasted his opponents. The Taliban, formed to get rid of old warlords like him, is now grateful for his help